In Intentional Feng Shui, each direction and area of your home is related to an area of your life. Read our post on How to Use the Bagua Map to find out how to discover the directions for your home. Writing affirmations and placing them in the specific areas in your home provides a wonderful opportunity to become clear on what you want in life. It also plants the seeds of your heart’s desires to manifest into reality.

Tips for Writing Affirmations
- Write them in present tense
- Write them knowing that it is already done, then detach and trust in the divine process of life
- Write them in the positive, focus on what you want not what you don’t want
- Affirmations can be anywhere from 2 lines to 2 pages
- Make it clear to the universe what you are ready to fully open up to in your life
- Be clear on what you will accept and know that you deserve it
- Know that what manifests will be for your highest good and the highest good of all
- Keep your affirmations private, they don’t need to be seen in your home – place them in a drawer or set them under something
Affirmations for the North – Career and Life’s Journey

- I am using my unique skills and gifts to work in my perfect career to be of service, living it in joy and abundance
- I now have clarity and excitement about my fulfilling career path
- I am passionate about helping others live the life they deserve while earning abundance while doing so
- I always have good, honest and supportive relationships with my co-workers, bosses and employees
- I have excellent relationships with everyone who works for me
- I have excellent relationships with everyone who works with me
- I attract all the right clients, students, and employees for an abundant, fulfilling, rewarding and successful career
- I am confident, earning a wonderful living doing work and service that is important to me, using my skills and talents which I am grateful for
- I accept that which I choose to experience in my life, which is advancing in my career/job
- I am grateful that I am attracting the perfect opportunities and circumstances to have the career/job that I love and that is financially rewarding
- I trust in the journey of life, everything happens exactly as it is meant to
- I trust that the opportunities for success are coming to me in a balanced and harmonious manner, for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned
Affirmations for the Northeast – Knowledge and Self-Cultivation

- I am intuitive
- I am alive in the now
- I am connected to my own inner vision
- I am listening to my intuitive self
- I trust and follow my intuition
- I always listen to my intuition before i make decisions
- I AM completely in tune with the “I AM” presence of the divine within me
- I trust my intuition with a deep sense of security
- I follow my intuition where it leads and I always find gifts that evolve my soul
- I see myself constantly learning, which is easy and enjoyable. And for this I am truly grateful
- I see myself continually growing in greater self-awareness and expanding my consciousness
- I have an abundance of time and abundance to learn and can expand in all the ways I choose
- I trust intuition and follow Spirit without hesitation
- I am mastering new skills that bring me confidence, fulfillment and joy
- Everyday I am realizing new abilities and talents
- I have time, space and the finances to feed my mind with new ideas and understanding
- Everything I read brings me new and wonderful insights
Affirmations for the East – Family and Community

- I am blessed with a beautiful, well balanced family
- I nurture and am nurtured by wonderful family and friends, with love and kindness, patience and goodwill
- I have a happy extended family filled with health, respect and love
- My family is healthy, happy, safe and full of love
- I am a source of love and inspiration for my family and friends as they are for me
- My family and friends are a beautiful reflection on the Divine’s love
- I accept that which I choose to experience in my life, which is happy, harmonious, healthy relationships with my family
- I am grateful for my loving community of like minded souls. I feel supported, connected and loved
Affirmations for the Southeast – Wealth and Prosperity

- I accept that which I choose to experience in my life, which is wealth, prosperity and an abundance of every good thing. I now see myself having financial security. I see myself in a position to help and be of service to others.
- I am grateful and blessed for all the wealth that flows to me and allows me to live such and incredible life of bliss and freedom
- Wealth enables me to more fully express my creative potential
- Expressing my creativity allows me to be wealthy
- Money and prosperity help me to help others
- I am willing to receive money for my pleasure
- I am willing to allow my life to be fun and easy
- I am a trust fund baby of the universe
- I am a magnet to money
- Money is attached to me just as naturally as a bee to honey
- I am one with the Power that created me and my abundance is a reflection of that
- I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity that the Universe offers
- I love to witness other’s abundance and to know and trust that there is plenty for us all
- I deserve wealth, prosperity and abundance
Affirmations for the South – Reputation and Recognition

- I am respected, admired and appreciated for the work that I do. My clients and I have wonderful relationships. And for this I am truly grateful
- I am recognized for my skills, talents and accomplishments. And for this I am truly grateful
- I am acknowledged by others for being a loving and caring partner. And for this I am truly grateful
- I am grateful that I share my light, gifts, talents and passion with the world and earn an abundant living doing so
- I am radiant, magnificent, brilliant, successful, blissful, peaceful and worthy. I love myself and am truly grateful for all that is
Affirmations for the Southwest – Love and Marriage

- I experience happy, healthy, loving relationships. My perfect partner is kind, patient and loving. You are the perfect partner for me
- My partner and I are experiencing a deeply loving and mutually respectful relationship, filled with good communication, passion and joy
- I accept that which I choose to experience in my life, which is having the ideal romantic partner. He/she is loving, playful, passionate, respectful and loyal. My partner and I connect in our minds, hearts and spirits
- I attract only loving, healthy relationships into my life. All of my relationships are healthy, healed and whole and I now experience and abundance of love in my life
- I accept that which I choose to experience in my life, which is having a healthy, balanced and profitable business relationship with my partner
- I am a radiant being filled with light and love
- I love and accept myself exactly as I am
- I now express love to all those I meet
- Divine love is working through me now
- Love radiates from me at all times
- I love myself completely
- As I give love, I am instantly supplied with more
- I radiate love to all persons, places and things
- People are just waiting to love me, and I allow them
- I breathe in universal love
- I attract loving, beautiful people into my life
- I always deserve love
- I am attracting loving relationships into my life
- I project love to everyone I meet
- I love and approve of myself
- I trust that my perfect partner comes to me in a balanced and harmonious manner, for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned. And for this I am truly grateful
Affirmations for the West – Children and Creativity
- I welcome new beginnings and trust in the divine process of life
- I see my child(ren) living their lives to the fullest potential, being healthy, creative and expressing their natural talents and skills. And for this I am truly grateful
- I allow new beginnings in my life
- I am fertile
- I trust my body
- My body knows how to conceive a healthy baby
- I surrender to the power of nature as I celebrate a new cycle of birth within myself
- I accept the gift of life within myself
- My life is a blessing
- I love myself
- My body is a fertile place worthy for conception
- My womb is a healthy place that will nourish my baby
- My eggs are healthy and developing perfectly
- I am safe and I am loved
- I am supported in life
- I choose a healthy lifestyle that enhances my fertility
- I design my own destiny
- I am creative and my original thoughts and ideas are worth sharing with the world
- I am birthing new creations into reality
- I visualize a bright white light cleansing away all my fears and negative thoughts
- I have original and unique ideas
- My ideas and creations are a valuable contribution to the world
- I see myself easily expressing my creativity in many ways
- I see myself opening to experience my creative energies in new and exciting ways
- I trust that I am a creative being and I allow the divine process to work through me
- An endless reservoir of creativity lies within me
- Being creative is one of my great joys in life
- Being creative makes me feel so alive and I honor it daily
- Brilliant ideas come through me and to me all the time
- Creative energy flows through me at all times
- Creative inspiration follows me
- Creativity flows through every cell of my body
- Divine inspiration blesses every day of my life
- Every creative thought I express provides me with great joy
- Everyday I become more creative and inventive
- Everyday I let my imagination soar to new heights
- Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more inventive
- Everything I create is inventive and unique
- I allow my creative energy to flow freely at all times
- I am a brilliant and successful artist
- I am a magnet for innovative ideas
- I am a naturally artistic individual
- I am a powerful and resourceful creator
Affirmations for the Northwest – Helpful People and Travel

- I accept that which I choose to experience in my life, which is having an abundance of helpful people to help me whenever the need arises. And for this I am truly grateful
- I have an abundance of supportive people in my life
- The right people come to me at the right time to help me get to my next step on an easy, graceful and joyful manner
- I am divinely guided by my Guides and Angels
- I am connected to my higher self, have guidance and follow my intuition in every moment of my life
- I gracefully travel as I choose, and live the life of my dreams
- I have the means to travel abroad whenever I choose
- I happily travel where I choose and have unlimited resources to do so
- I consciously embark on an amazing, sentient journey
- I am blissful as I travel and explore the planet
- I travel safely and in the style I choose to every exciting destination
- I see myself traveling to <name destination> and enjoying myself completely. And for this I am truly grateful
Affirmations for the Center – Health and Self Love

- I know that I am experiencing greater health in all areas of my life in a balanced and harmonious manner for my highest good
- I accept that which I choose to experience in my life, which is balance and harmony in all areas of my life, including perfect health mentally, physically and spiritually. And for this I am truly grateful
- I see myself and everyone getting along with each other and being happy and productive
- I am perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit
- I am well, I am whole, and I am strong and healthy
- I am healthy and full of energy and vitality
- All of the cells in my body are bathed in the perfection of my divine being
- I am healthy, happy and radiant
- I radiate good health
- My body is a sale and pleasurable place for me to be
- My sleep is relaxed and refreshing
- I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals and to fulfill on my desires
- I am worthy of love, acceptance and good health
- I am worthy of having everything I want in life
Give it a Try
Affirmations hold the incredible power to transform our lives by reshaping our mindset and fostering a positive outlook. These simple yet potent statements have the potential to boost self-confidence, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being – you probably feel better right now after simply reading all of these affirmations! By incorporating affirmations into certain areas of your home based on your Bagua Map, you can harness the positive energy to manifest your dreams. We invite you to embrace the potential of positive affirmations and start rewriting your stories one encouraging word at a time.